Thursday, August 30, 2007

This Little One Has Been in the Water

Update on our very young Chinese friend, L. L., who has had a battle with cancer and who is from a poor rural family:

We have just received word that L. L. is out of the woods, recovering well, in therapy, and his father has a decent paying job in Shangri-La (a rarity in and of itself!) Many of you have been praying for him and helping financially, and it will truly please you to know that our contact with his family, a Christian doctor, reports that "this little one has been in the water."

Sometimes I find the cryptic metaphors used to protect Chinese Christians more beautiful that the technical terms we use in the West. Oh, that we all thought of each other as "brother" and "sister," and spoke freely about God as our "Father" and "best friend."

Praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for "this little one has been in the water."


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