Saturday, March 19, 2016

All Your Strength

An insightful discussion of the Shema and what it means to be Whole rather than fragmented, and to love God with all your strength. "Are You a Fragmented Person?"

When you think of loving God "with all your strength," do you consider "strength" to be merely physical or financial, or is it more than that? In what areas do you have influence, natural or acquired? How you wield your strength is an expression of your heart.

I just took my truck to the shop for a lube and a check up. They looked at the systems and reported on those which were compromised, so that I could have things repaired or improved, that my car might continue doing what it was meant to do: Drive.

In this article, the author (my brother, by the way!), refers to performing a spiritual "diagnostic" to determine Wholeness, a consistency between my heart, self, and actions.

Perhaps, for me, it might looks something like this:

1. What do I treasure in my heart -- really? How am I actually living and what does this tell me about what I treasure?

2. Do I set my mind on the things my heart treasures or ought to treasure? Do I actively develop habits that nurture healthy heart treasures?

3. Do I use my strength -- my influence -- in a stingy or squandering or careless way, or generously and prudently/advisedly, as a wise rich man would use his money?

What is the special treasure you have to give? How can you use it in a way that expresses what is in your heart?

I know a busy woman who has a knack for languages who tutors kids in the summer in hard-to-grasp languages. I know a man who is skilled in helping people making connections with each other, and he uses his time to personally connect people sharing worthy goals. I know a man who has a highly regarded reputation and title, and he gives his endorsement, but advisedly, knowing his word carries extra weight with people and must be trusted. I know two different happy couples with loving, healthy family lives who have opened their doors to a variety of needy teens, misfits, and oddballs in search of a warm example of family life and marriage. I know a lady who makes a particularly succulent pork chops and baked apple dish, and she brings it to everyone who has a baby.

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